Wednesday, 31 December 2014
class assigment (essay+quotation)
"There must be language that doesn’t depend on words… If I can learn to understand this language without words, I can learn to understand the world"(1)Have you ever thought about how difficult is to understend the world? What is the reason why do we exist? I have some evidences to support what I am saying.
When we are children we are always told that our dreams will come true whenever we grow up. But why do we have to want to reach for the starts when we do not have branches to carry us that far? I beleive that it would be easier if we didn't have the oportunity to figure out what do we have to be or how do we have to behave. It would be easier if we just follow our hearts to the place that we want to be. However, there are people who still believe in destiny. I think that destiny is for loosers it is just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.
To sum up, I would like to encourage everybody to follow their hearts and no what 4 crazy boys dressed in jeans told them to do.
1.Paulo Cohelo,the alchemist (Barcelona: Booket,1988), pg 46
Dear Blog,
Another year has gone, another year is about to come. 2014 has been a really important year to me. Therefore, I have decided to write to my 2014 a few words. I am really proud because now I am able to say that I have found my place in this world. I have spent a lot of years wasting my time but after a lot of effort I have reached it!
I have to admitt that my 2014 started with me studying hard- I am going to end up it in the same way. However, I can deny that this year has brought me amazing changes. I remember my first high school year, I can see myself saying: " In thousand years I will be making selectividad, I will be going to university, I will be driving a car, I will go abroad, I will always have the same people in my life, I will figure out what I want to be". This year, 2014, I have done selectividad, I have obtained my driving license, I have started the university, I have been abroad and, what is more important for me: Now I know what I want to be. This year I have learnt that with effort and sacrifice you can reach everything you wish for and, that all our hopes must be be put in ourselves, not on the rest of the world. With valor we can reach whatever we want to. Fortunately, we are not alone on this journey. We will always have people who love us around us. They will help us to to reach our goals and our biggest(and wildest) dreams. Hence, thanks to all that people that are not part of my life anymore, they taught me that they did not diserve to be on it. But, THANKS (in capital letters) to those people that are still part of my life and also to those that are now new components of my life. Thank you for believing in me, for teach me how not to stop believing, thank you for believing in me, in my dreams. Thank you for cheering me uo when I was down .
Now, I know who I am , whenever I hesitate on it I have you all around me to remind me it. I can perfectly see myself last year, crying because I did not know what I was going to study at University , I thought that I was studying just for pleasure. Fortunately, I have found the perfect degree, wchich I hope to love more and more every day. Dear 2015, I wish you bring me happines, health(as my grandmother says) and also all the good things that I have reach on 2014 and that I don't want to miss.
PS: I hope to keep in touch with you dear blog.
Thursday, 25 December 2014
It is the most wonderful time of the year..
Yesterday nigh was Christmas eve and, as usual I have spent this night with my family. However, this year has been a bit special. Four months ago my cousin went to Dresden as an Erasmus student. I have not seen him since he left. Hence, I was looking foward to seeing him. He has helped me a lot with my German as I am also learning this language, I am really thankful for this. He has told me a lot of beautiful things related to his new hometown. I wish I could do a similar thing in a near future.
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My family and I having dinner |
This year we have had an special guest. We have had a new cousin as my cousin got marry three months ago. However, he has always been my cousin because I have known him since I was six years old. It has been really exciting to be with all my family. My cousin who lives in Madrid has also joined us for dinner. He always has the best stories to tell! You can never get bored with him, he is so much fun!
We have spent a marvelous night in wich food an laugh were the main courses. It has been a relly interesting talking. We have been talking about different issues but travilling has been the main issue. My cousin and her husband have been talking about New York City as they spent there their honeymoon. My cousin who is studying in Dresden has been talking about Germany and German people as well as my cousin from Madrid because he went to Dresden to visit my cousin. They have told us amazing experiences from their meeting there. My other cousin was talking about Finlad as she is going to be an Erasmus student there in five months- I wish I could visit her there. Me, I was just really pleased to hear my elder cousins talking about their experiences. They always have something to teach me.
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my cousin who lives in Madrid, me and my cousin who is in Dresden. |
My grandmother was really happy to have all her family gather together. I believe that she feels really proud of having an extended family in wich love is the first valour. However, we could not avoid missing my grandfather who unfortunately passed away two summers ago.
After dinner, we had had to sing to our grandmother in order to get our "aguinaldo", my granny has given "aguinaldo" to everyone, even to our new cousin! It has been so much fun!
In short, I have really enjoyed this night as I considered that the best thing in life is not money. The best thing in life is love and happines and with my family I have both things. It is true that you can not choose your family. However, If I had been given the chance to choose, I would have never choosen another family. They are the best family I could wish for! I love them very very much!
4º práctica evaluable
years ago, it was compulsory for women to know how to sew. Sometimes, when a button falls apart from my
jacket I feel pity of myself because I don’t even know what a needle is. I
wish I could sew my things because someday I will be alone and nobody will sew for me. I have tried ir hard, but I had no luck.
solution to this problem could be asking my grandmother for help. I could live
with her during a month so that she can properly teach me how to do it. Maybe we
can start by easy things like learning how to use a needle and end up making my own clothes. Wouldn't it be nice if at the end I like it and I set up my own haberdashery?
solution to this problem could be attending a curse. I would have a teacher who would tgive me a sound knowledge in order to avoid my issue. Nonetheless, the course could be expensive and I wouldn't recive personal atentioon from my teacher as there would be more students on the course. However, that is not a problem because I can also learn from my classmates' mistakes.
A final
answer could be to try to let my imagination fly – together with Internet videos- and learn t on my own. However, this is really hard a to accomplish as I am a really pessimistic person, If something goes bad - o r I can not properly teach myself- I would feel depressed. I know, for sure, that I would give it up.
All in all, I have to learn how to sew because if I ever want to be an independ person, I'd better know how to solve my problems even if it is something as simple as fixing a button. Nonetheless, I am almost in my tweenties, there is much life ahead for me. Maybe, within five years a robot able to sew will be invented. That would fix my problem and also make my day.
3º práctica evaluable
Nowadays, eveerybody has a TV-or more than one. What's more, whoever doesn't have a TV is seen as a weird person. "There is no more to love when you have a TV"-that's the phylosophy of 89'5 % of the population. However, having a TV is not everything. In addition, I'm totally agains owing a TV.
Believe it or not, the lack of a TV leds to the development of your skills. You have more leisure time as you are not looking foward to getting home to watch the afternoon's soap opera. You can spend your time on reading, painting or even learning how to play an instrument. Aren't those things better than watching violence on TV?
However, you can also spend tour spare time with your family or friends. You can not imagine how good is to have enough time to be outdoors making new friends while doing some interesting things like practicing a sport. Hence, not having a TV is also good for your health.
Nevertheless, the most important thing is that you are going to have more time to relax and sleep. Can you imagine the profits of it? You won't be tired and you will deinetely be succesfull at school or at your job. Moreover, students that do not have a TV are lickely to get high marks not only because they do not have the influence from this gadget, but also because their parents have time to check their progress so that they feel that is studying is a rewarding thing.
In short, even most of the peple believe that not having a TV nowadays is unrealistic, I believe that not having it is the key of success of our society. Therefore, I would like to encourage everyone to never forget that growing up our skills like reading, painting and so on and so forth is most of the times more important than knowing who died on the soap opera you were watching.
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Two weeks ago, I was on my way home on the bus -The weirdest things happen to me on the bus- and a a friend on mine told me something amazing.
He was telling me about his trip to France. He went with his class in order to spend a week there, it was a school trip. Moreover, he was using a crutch as he had had an accident two months ago. The thing is that, he lost his bag on the trip and he realised about that when it was too late to come back. He did not mind loosing his bag, the problem was that his nintendo Ds was on the bag. He has always been with his ninteendon since their parents gave it to him. Thus, it was not just a toy, it was also an important present that two people he loved gave him. He felt sad and .He could not stop worrying about it during the trip.
However, his classmates notice that he was feeling a bit down about that and they managed to make him happy. Maybe this story sounds a bit childish but the amazing thing is about to happen. One week after the trip, he was sitting with a friend at the university's bench. Suddenly, all his classmates approached him a gave him a present. The present was a new Nintendo Ds. He could not believe his eyes! Why did they care about him? Isn't it amazing? His classmates told him that he deserved it because he has always been a good classmates and he is always helping them. In other words, that was their way to see thank you.
To sum up, even it is said that teenagers only care about themselves and that they do not know that there is more to life than themselves. However, there is still being good people who care about the rest of the world.
He was telling me about his trip to France. He went with his class in order to spend a week there, it was a school trip. Moreover, he was using a crutch as he had had an accident two months ago. The thing is that, he lost his bag on the trip and he realised about that when it was too late to come back. He did not mind loosing his bag, the problem was that his nintendo Ds was on the bag. He has always been with his ninteendon since their parents gave it to him. Thus, it was not just a toy, it was also an important present that two people he loved gave him. He felt sad and .He could not stop worrying about it during the trip.
However, his classmates notice that he was feeling a bit down about that and they managed to make him happy. Maybe this story sounds a bit childish but the amazing thing is about to happen. One week after the trip, he was sitting with a friend at the university's bench. Suddenly, all his classmates approached him a gave him a present. The present was a new Nintendo Ds. He could not believe his eyes! Why did they care about him? Isn't it amazing? His classmates told him that he deserved it because he has always been a good classmates and he is always helping them. In other words, that was their way to see thank you.
To sum up, even it is said that teenagers only care about themselves and that they do not know that there is more to life than themselves. However, there is still being good people who care about the rest of the world.
A nightmare
journey I remember so clear was two years ago when I was going to the
countryside with my friend. We were going to the countryside because me and my
friends were giving a surprise birthday
party for the friend that was with me in the car. The party was almost 45 minutes by car far away from my house.
We left our
house with plenty of time. But when we got to the motorway there was a huge
traffic jam! The traffic wasn’t moving at all. I didn’t know what to do because
we were going to be late for the party. I felt really nervous and sad at the
same time and my friend was saying to me all the time “ don’t worry” but I
couldn’t tell her why I was feeling at that way. It was too late to go
another way, so we just sat in the car while I was getting more and more
stressed. After 30 minutes the traffic started moving slowly. I decided to
leave the motorway and try to find another way to go the party, but I had never drove on that way so we got
completely lost. In addition, the phone was ringing all the time asking for
where we were. I was sure my friend was going to miss the party that we have
been planning for two months. It was a pity. Suddenly, I decided to phone my dad. He took us to the party . Finally we arrived there
only thirty minutes before the party was going to start. My friend got a really
big surprise and after that she started to laugh because she immediately
understood why I was so nervous and stressed.
Although we
had a nightmare journey my friend had a big surprise and we managed to give her
a party.
Problem/solution Poverty
Poverty is a serious problem. In fact, we should be aware of how unfair the world is. The poor are poorer, the rich are richer. This is nothing new under the sun. Moreover, in leads to several problems like the lack of educarion. food or help.
One answer to this problem could be really easy to say but not as easy to do. The solution could be saving money in order to donete it. You don't have to save a huge amount, you can start by easy things like saving a quid per day. Being an altruistic person won't aplly much effort.
Another possible answer to this issue could be trying to help there by being part of an NGO. At his way, you can make use of some of your skills and help then to learn a language, to dance or simply to read and write because most of the poor people are illiterate.
A final answer to this problem is to strike on developed countries in order to support them. However, this is a really difficult step to accomplish because most of the people don't care about the rest of the world expect themselves. In order words, they do not know what "loving their neighbour" is.
To sum up, if we are not concious about the problem, we will never be able to finish with it. Fortunately, if we try to work together we can develop a better world because we ran the world.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Fear- Raymond Carver.
Fear of being alone
Fear of changing myself
Fear of being missunderstood
Fear of not making my dreams come true
Fear of myself
Fear of my weackness
Fear of being frightned
Fear of revange
Fear of being a looser
Fear of a car crashing
Fear of French
Fear of people
Fear of busy people with busy lifes
Fear of this WILD WORLD
Fear of changing myself
Fear of being missunderstood
Fear of not making my dreams come true
Fear of myself
Fear of my weackness
Fear of being frightned
Fear of revange
Fear of being a looser
Fear of a car crashing
Fear of French
Fear of people
Fear of busy people with busy lifes
Fear of this WILD WORLD
Pre-Writting ( class assigment)
- Making a list
1- visit different places
2. discover a new culture
3. know different things
4. how a place can make you feel better
5. Get pleasure if it is a family trip
6. Get profit of it if it is a bussisnes trip
freewriting(with mistakes)
When I was younger I used to go to dance classes. I really liked until my teacher become a bossy woman and she was yelling at my classmates and I. It was awful. So, that is the reason why I decided to stop to go to that classes. The advantage of drop it was starting to learn new things as English.
Freewriting( with mistakes checked)
When I was young, I used to go to dancing classes. I really liked it until my teacher become a bossy woman who was always yelling at my classmates and I. It was awful. So, that is the reason why I decided to stop going to ballet. The advantage of dropping it was that I had the chance to learn new things such as English.
- Making a list
1- visit different places
2. discover a new culture
3. know different things
4. how a place can make you feel better
5. Get pleasure if it is a family trip
6. Get profit of it if it is a bussisnes trip
freewriting(with mistakes)
When I was younger I used to go to dance classes. I really liked until my teacher become a bossy woman and she was yelling at my classmates and I. It was awful. So, that is the reason why I decided to stop to go to that classes. The advantage of drop it was starting to learn new things as English.
Freewriting( with mistakes checked)
When I was young, I used to go to dancing classes. I really liked it until my teacher become a bossy woman who was always yelling at my classmates and I. It was awful. So, that is the reason why I decided to stop going to ballet. The advantage of dropping it was that I had the chance to learn new things such as English.
2º Práctica evaluable
thesis statement: A language is thought to be dead when it is not longer used. Therefore, Latin is not a dead language because it is still used and it is never going to disappear.
I. Introduction and thesis statement at the end
II. It has a huge influence on other languages
A. Romance languages
1. Spanish -e.g agenda
2. Italian - e.g custodia
3. French - e.g dame
B. Germanic languages
1. English - e.g pauper
2. German - e.g Prosit
III. International uses
A. Music - e.g ad libitum
B. Science
1. Medicine - e.g name of some diseases
2. Biology - e.g name of plants
C. Literature
IV. International Grammar
A. Expresions - e.g quid pro quo
B. Conjuctions - e.g ergo
V. Conclusion
While it is being used all over the world, it is never going to disappear and if somehow it is thought to be completely dead it would be a fake because Latin has given a huge inherit to all languages. Is the mother that all languages have in common.
I. Introduction and thesis statement at the end
II. It has a huge influence on other languages
A. Romance languages
1. Spanish -e.g agenda
2. Italian - e.g custodia
3. French - e.g dame
B. Germanic languages
1. English - e.g pauper
2. German - e.g Prosit
III. International uses
A. Music - e.g ad libitum
B. Science
1. Medicine - e.g name of some diseases
2. Biology - e.g name of plants
C. Literature
IV. International Grammar
A. Expresions - e.g quid pro quo
B. Conjuctions - e.g ergo
V. Conclusion
While it is being used all over the world, it is never going to disappear and if somehow it is thought to be completely dead it would be a fake because Latin has given a huge inherit to all languages. Is the mother that all languages have in common.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Music. There's nothing that express words that can not be said better than music. Music makes you feel all the feelings you can imagine- and even feelings for which you don't have names. As you can read on my previous lines I love music.
Music has been part of my life since I was born as my grandad used to play plenty of instruments and so does my dad. Therefore, it was expected that someone in my family would have this passion for music. In addition, it has been me the lucky one.
When I was a child I used to compose lyrics with an old friend- of course not really difficult lyrics, I was 8 years old. My songs were about cats, dogs and homework. Moreover, nowadays when I read them I can't avoid laughing. They were so much fun! When I was 13 years old I decided to learn how to play guitar as I wanted to be like my father, who used to be a little famous with his music when he was young. Hence, I enrolled into a guitar course. Nevertheless, I had to give it up two years ago because of my studies. But I have to say that I have never stop playing guitar, what's more 3 years ago I decided to learn how to play the ukelele by my own. It's an hilarious instrument. My musical interests don't finish here. I have also been singing in the choir of my high school for 6 years. It was called " The bilingual choir" because we singed music in all language but normally nor Spanish.
With the choir I have sing in many places from the Molinas' theather to other Spanish cities such as Madrid, Valladolid or Cabra, which is a village in Cordoba. I have really enjoyed the choir and I am really thankfull for have been given the oportunity to be part of it. Moreover, 4 years ago and old friend and I decided to enroll a contest in Thader Shopping center. We sang a played a song and we won the second place - the award was 400 € for both of us. It was an experience that I am never going to forget. Now, when I think about it, I don't even know how I was so brave to sang in front of a crowd like the one on the day of the contest.
To sum up, As you can see I love music and I hope that it continues being an important part of my life. However, by saying that I love singing and playing it doesn't mean that I do it well. I just try to do my best while having fun .
Monday, 8 December 2014
Class assigment (Write an essay)
People sometimes ask whether art should be taught at school. Some say that the time spent on art would be better spent on more useful or academic subjects. However, in my opinion art should not only be taught at every school it should be compulsory at school.
For one thing, most students enjoy learning art. This is because art is an active lesson that takes them away from lectures and books. Art lessons develop the students' creativity and help them to express their ideas and feelings in a different way-using colours instead of words.
In addition, learning art may be useful later in life. For example, young people often discover their artistic talents through art lessons. This can lead to a degree in art, such as fine arts, computer graphics or design. can you imagine what would happen if you have a gift for art and you never have the chance to discover it?
To sum up, art lessons should be part of the school curriculum. Art is an important and enjoyable subject that can benefit every student.
For one thing, most students enjoy learning art. This is because art is an active lesson that takes them away from lectures and books. Art lessons develop the students' creativity and help them to express their ideas and feelings in a different way-using colours instead of words.
In addition, learning art may be useful later in life. For example, young people often discover their artistic talents through art lessons. This can lead to a degree in art, such as fine arts, computer graphics or design. can you imagine what would happen if you have a gift for art and you never have the chance to discover it?
To sum up, art lessons should be part of the school curriculum. Art is an important and enjoyable subject that can benefit every student.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Dionysius is stalking
Our society is the best representation of what " Apollinian" mens. It is a society controled by fool people. Fools without reason. When I say " fools" I mean vacuous people that are unable to think by themselves. However, these fools are the most powerfull people of the world. Nevertheless, We are the true fools because we let them persuade us to do whatever they want to.
Furthermore, we can't deny that our society is attending to a crisis of values. While the old greek men used to be worried about the ἀρχή - which is the cause of everything-, the old roman people used to be worried about being the best engineers in order to make their neighbours life easy. What are we worry about? We are worried about having the latest fashion either in technology and fashion. We are worried about reaching our aims , even though sometimes it involves destroy the aims of our mates. We are worried about not being worried. What would our future be if the Greeks or Romans hadn't be worried about anything?
To my mind, the world would never be the same. Maybe in our world, Dionysius would have always reigned and we would have never known Apollo. Fortunately, our world has known Apollonian things- the order, the ability to think... and maybe that's the reason why we want him back. Unfortunately, there's always Dionysian in all Apollonian things. Is like a war that is being developed inside ours souls. I have some proves to support what I am saying. Ten years ago when a teenager saw an old woman, the teen used to help her. Nowadays, young people ignore everyone except themselves. What are we pretending to do with this? We are even loosing manners with old people. Don't forget that they are lucky, they have known Apollo.
Someone could tell me that I am a liar because ancient Greeks used to have a balance between Apollo and Dionysius. When they had to work hard they were Apollo and when they had to drink wine, dance and eat they were Dionysius. However, in our society this is impossible. There will always be a dichotomy between Apollo and Dionysius. That's just because our society is the society of the excess. There is no a "modern Greek" that is a hard-worker and then has time to have time. Nowadays, if you work hard, you don't have time to have fun. And, if you have fun is because you don't have a job. Therefore, we can learn that by placing Apollo in our life we would have controlled our Dionysius, and we would have created another type of society. Maybe the old philosopher would have never disappeared.
In short, it seems that our society has lack of principles. It appears that we are just worried about sports, music, fashion and parties. At this way, Dionysius will always be stalking us. Our world would never stop being a fight between Apollo and Dionysius, a fight between the justice and the injustice, the reasonable and the unreasonable. As the great philosopher Karl Marx said" The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." That change has to be made by us. What do we prefer? Live on the ignorance or develop our skills to create a better world?
Me and Marx's quote. |
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Class Assigment ( Writing an introduction and a conclusion for an outline)
Everybody has thought about living abroad. It is normally seem as a quite rewarding experience. Many people look foward to having the chance of living aboad on their own or because of an Erasmus grant. It would be a dream come true. I am right, aren't¿ Living abroad could be seen as an option with plenty of positive things. However, the adjustment of foreign people to a different culture can be really difficult. (Introduction)
To sum up, there is no doubt that living abroad is an experience that everybody should have the opportunity to live. However, It is also true that it is really difficult to get use to new manners, different people, food and so on and so forth but, we should encourage foreigners to ask us whatever they want to know or whatever they need, in order to help them feel like home. '' Love your neighbour as you love yourself'' (Conclusion)
Monday, 24 November 2014
What is art?
This is one of the most difficult questions you will have to answer in your life. What is art? Is it a feeling? Is it something abstract? It is something which follows a rule? I'm going to talk about my personal opinion about art.
The first time I visited a museum, I was feeling curious. I was watching plenty of pictures and I didn't know the meaning of them not even the artist or the name of the picture. Therefore, I decided that I needed to study art. The world that I have discovered could never be bought with money. Since that moment, I created my own definition of art. For me art is whatever makes you feel something special in your heart it doesn't matter if it is a good feeling or a bad one. Not all artistics works have to be beautiful works. I was amazed thinking about how a building -that was built two thousand years old- could be in better conditions than a modern one. I discovered that art can also make you angry. For instance the first time I saw this:
My bed- Tracey Emin |
I though: Oh my God! If this is art, then my room is a masterpiece. I have to admit that the first time I saw it I was angry, I couldn't understand why it was called art. Fortunately, I realized that the artist had reached her aim. Her aim was to make me feel something. Hence, she is a great artist he completely angered me and gave me some food for though! Moreover, I can't deny that the first time I saw this picture from Munch, I ended up crying:
It made me think of a poor boy, alone in life. The two men behind him were criticizing him. He was completely alone. He was a negative person, full of bad feelings and thoughts. Hence, he wanted to scream in order to be able to feel free of all the preasure he had. It is an amazing picture, isn't it? Moreover, I couldn't forgive myself If I speak about art and I don't mencion all the amazing feelings that an art performance can make you feel. I specifically like this one from Marina Abramocic. Imagine what would happen if you see your love after 23 years, in the middle of your performance, in which you can't speak and you just can see him. Words are left, it's better to see it :
Thus, I have decided that if someone asks me what is art ,I would say. Art is everything. Everything that makes you feel something, it doesn't matter if it is a good feeling or a bad one. Literature, music, painting, cooking, girls making up themselves. Everything is art. The world is full of art. And if you feel something, that's because the artist have achieved his/her aim.
Monday, 17 November 2014
students have to bite off
more than they can chew. They have to deal with a lot of subjects as math or science
and also they have a lot of homework. That means that
they don’t have leisure time
for relaxing or for doing extracurricular activities like learning how
to dance or sing in order to improve their skills. In
addition, they learn things by heart and in a fortnight that will
be forgotten, but they don't care as long as they get good marks. What's more we are claming to have a good education because students get good marks.
wish I had been born in America because there doing extracurricular activities is compulsory if you want to
have good marks. But the thing that I like
the most about America or Britain for instance is
that there, you can easily have a gap year. For me taking a year off is a great opportunity to learn new things,
or to think about what do you really want to study before going to university . Nevertheless, In Spain having
a gap year in not an option. What’s more , we
come down on it. What does it mean? It means that we have to put all our eggs in one basket and
go to university even though we don’t really
know what we want to study. But, Why should
we go to university? Look Roald Dahl the famous British writer. He didn’t go to
university and he’s a really well-known
writer all over the world.
Anyway, I have to admit that my school days were really good. I Will never forget getting an upset stomach and going to
the nursery because I didn’t want to be on my math' class. Moreover, I have never skipped classes because, I think that I was a good student. I believe that the fact that my classmates and I
have in common is that we have the same tutor in our hearts, even though he
was really strict with exams and deadlines ,
I have to thank him because that’s the reason why nowadays I’m really methodical with my studies.
As I said before,
education is changing due to it there are new methods of learning languages.
There’s one called “ Crazy English” developed by a Chinese man which consists in yelling English on an auditorium in order to help his students to memorized new
structures and vocabulary. There is also “ crazy Chinese” and I think that in a
nearly future there will be more methods as this. I would be reappy glad to see "Crazy Spanish".
To sum up, education
is changing , and it will me changing
but I’m going to give you some food for
though. What are we looking for? Do we really want students that learn
everything by heart and they don’t really know what they are studying? Or do we prefer having qualificated students?
As Oscar Wilde said “
You can never be overdressed or overeducated”
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Stand up to Cancer
Today, while I was on my way to the university, I was listening to two friends talking about the C world. One of them was saying that her little nephew had died because of it two months ago with just five years. My heart was broken when I heard that story. Suddenly, I remembered a song of one of my favourite singers Taylor Swift.
This song is called "Ronan" and it is about a little-boy who died because of the C word. However, the amazing thing of the song is not that it is a song from Taylor, it is that she wrote the song according to the blog of Ronan's mum. She had been writing the blog in order to stand up to cancer and tell his own's son story. Moreover, you can read from her own words that she has suffered a lot as well as her kid. In the blog you can find all the information about her son's story. Nowadays, her blog has become a well-known blog that suport the C word.
If you want to see the blog I enclose you the web page:
Furthermore, I wish you could listen to taylor's song. I bet you can't hold your tears while listening to it. As Ronan Mum said " it is absolutely the true story"
As a conclusion, I would like to give all my love to those who are suffering this awfull disease.
The outline of an essay ( class assigment)
Don't support private schools!
I. The number of private schools is increasing day by day all over the world.
II. Very expensive
A. Private schools are more expensive than the public ones
B. Going to a Private school is expensive
1. Wear uniform
2. Buy books from school
3. Buy part of the material- that you are going to be ask to bring to class- on the school.
III. Sometimes at a private school you don't learn as much as in a public one
A. Many times teachers don't have the right experience/qualification
1. They have bought their post in order to work there
B Students " Buy" their marks
1. As their parents are paying the school they always get good marks
2. If they fail a year , instead of doing it again their parents are going to pay for the marks
IV. There is a great possibility of going to university without knowing all you should have
A. They have bought their marks
1. They have not learn anything
2. They think they know everything they should know
B. If they do Bachillerato in a different schol there are more chances of do again a year
1. They don't have the appropiate knowledge acording to the level
2. They can't stand the preasure of a new thing in which money is not allowed
V. Because of the cost, the little things that you learn and money; we should support public schools.
1º Práctica evaluable
When I was a teenager I was curious about our religion, Hence, I started to go to the Church while my friends used to play videogames. Perhaps, when you think about going to the Church, you imagine a group of people gathering together reading the Holy Book and praying. Nonetheless, I have never done that. We have fun at the same tume as we learn. For instance, we sing, dance, go out together to the countryside and so on and so forth. Furthermore, it helped me to find who I wanted to be and how I had to behave with people around me. I must say that , even though it started as curiosity, is finished being the place in wich I found some friends. It is really weird to go to the holy mass on Sunday and see more teenagers than grannies. In other words, I am not the only one. For these reasons, what started as a teen's curiosity turned to be an inspiring way of living.
Monday, 10 November 2014
many people think that it is necessary to own a gun at home because they feel "safe and sound". Others think that keeping a gun at home is a really bad idea. The truth is that Having a gun can sometimes be a lucky dip. Sometimes you don't know why you have it or when you can use it.
The question, why do we have a gun? has a really difficult question. As I said before, it can be because you feel powerful with it. You know that if someone tries to hurt you, it won't be worth trying to hurt you because you will shoot at him. However, let me tell you something. Imagine that you are being annoyed by your neighbour and you wish you could kill him. Would you hesitate on doing it? Of course not. But you have to remember that your kids and watching you, thus, they are learning from you.
It is necessary to use it whenever something is wrong? I would like to tell you a situation that I read on a book called " emotional intelligence". It was about a family that had gone out to the cinema and their little girl stayed at her grandmother's house- which was next to their house. The thing is that the girl went to the house alone and she heard her parents opening the door so ,she decided to hide in a cupboard in order to scare her parents. Nevertheless, when the parents heard a weird noise- they didn't know that it was from their daughter- the father didn't hesitate on grabbing a gun, opening the cupboard and shooting to the girl. He didn't know that it was his daughter. Therefore, I would like to ask what's the point on having a gun?
To sum up, I would like to say that a gun is not a toy and we have to be really carefull with it. Nevertheless, the most important thing is to learn to be patient with those who annoy us because if we shoot at them whenever we are not happy with something, in two years the human race will not exisist any more.
Friday, 7 November 2014
I know my heritage, do you?
There is nothing more interesting than Ancient Culture. Moreover, I have always been interested in Roman Culture due to the fact that I believe that without them in our history,the world would have never been as we know it nowadays.
There is no doubt that we are sons and daughters of our mother , which would be Roman culture. Unfortunately, our mum's language is thought to be dead - As I see it , it is a thing that has to be discussed owing to the fact that it is still alive in some hearts. However, we have inherited from her our language, culture or even manners. You won't believe your eyes if you see how similar our culture is to the Roman one.
What would you think if I tell you that they invented our fast food restaurants? Would you believe me if I told you that they developed the fist bar? For those who would never believe what I am writing I have the perfect solution. Why don't you visit a blog about Romans's food and their way of behaving when talking about food or eating? I bet you won't regret checking it out.
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My claasmates and I at a Roman banquet in class. |
Moreover, two years ago a friend and I created a blog about Roman food and its culture. it is an amazing blog, not only because I really appreciate it but also because it won the second place in a national contest. What's more, we went to "onda regional" in Murcia in order to speak about our blog. We felt like famous people for a while!
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My friend Anais and I at Onda Regional |
To sum up, If you are interested in all this things. Hurry up! and click on this web link, We have to have roots before branches. Therefore , we should never forget where our roots started.
This is our interview if you want to hear it:
Monday, 3 November 2014
Class practice: problems/solutions
It is a fact that people don't practice sport as much as they used to do in the past. Maybe, it is because they don't have enough time owing to the fact that, nowadays, we have to work more time because of the recession, or it is just because they are too lazy to do sport. Moreover, we have assumed that if we eat healthy food, it is not worth to exercise because it is the same. We are completely wrong. Eating healthy food is never enough. Hence, we'd better practice sport.
One solution to this problem could be the invention of a gift card on gyms in order to encourage people to practice sport. The more sport you practice, the better the gift. Furthermore, the better gift could be a laptop for instance. Unfortunately, people don't care about gifts as long as they have money to buy them. So, why would they go to the gym if they have enough money to buy whatever they want? Another solution would be "compulsory sport " on enterprises if employees want to be promoted. Nevertheless, if you are a boss ,you would like your employees to work rather than to be practicing sport . Therefore, not every boss will approve this solution.
To sum up, even though we try to help people to be sportive, they would do whatever they want. Hence, the best solution is to " mind our own business" and take care of our own health. We'd better not bite off more than we can chew. In other words, it is difficult to take care of our own health, why should we take care to other people health, then?
Friday, 31 October 2014
Lizzie Velasquez
I will never forget all the feelings that I felt when I first listened to a motivational speaker coinning a speech. Furthermore, it was an experience that I will always remember owing to the fact that I was watching the video and crying at the same time. Therefore, that is the reason why now, I can't stop watching videos of motivational speakers. Hence, I am going to enclose the first one that I saw in order to let you feel the same things that I felt. In addition, the speaker is Lizzie Velasquez and she is supposed the be the ugliest girl all over the world. However, she is the strongest girl I have ever met. I wish I had the strength that she have in order to make negative things of my live on positive and also to find what difines me. Thus, I encourage everyone to see motivational speakers because it really helps you.
Friday, 24 October 2014
(For or against) What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a smartphone?
having an smartphone is the most usual thing, in fact, people that don’t have
an smartphone do something out of the ordinary and we look at them like if they
were weird people. It seems that everybody is interested in smartphones , and
that most people would not be able to live without having one . However , there
are advantages and disadvantages.
The main
advantage of having an smartphone is probably how easy is your life with this
on it. You can talk with a friend that it is a thousand kilometers away from
you and on a free way . This really help you to keep on touch with your friends
all over the world. In addition , because of recession people are moving on
into another countries. In old times you
could only talk with your family by letter. Fortunately , now you can be
talking with them all the time without
paying anything. I hold the view that that is a quite good improvement in our
On the
other hand,for every plus there is a minus. Every time we go out we need to take with
us our phones because If we don’t take with us our phones, we feel like naked.
That’s because we know that we miss something. We are losing manners . When we
go out with our friends pretending to have fun we can not have fun because we
are all the time playing an chatting with our phone . So it’s difficult to pay
attention to our friends at the same time that we are paying attention to our
conclusion , it’s true that having a smartphone help us to have friend but also
makes us lose real friends just because we are more interested on our virtual
friends when we are with the real ones. I think that having an smartphone it’s
really good but the only way to keep having manners it’s by trying not to pay
attention to our phones when we go out . We should pay attention to our phone just
in case anybody needs us.
Point-by-point organisation
Going on holidays can sometimes be a lucky dip. That is just because you want to spend your money in a place that you really like. Vacationing in the mountains or in the beach is really different, but they have some similarities.
First of all, on both places is easy to relax and forget about your duties. When you go to the beach you can easily get a tan, and going to the mountains allows you to do the same even though you don't realise. Hence, be sure to have with you your sun cream when travelling to these places. Another similarity between the two places is that they both are really popular. It is impossible to go to these places and be completely alone. Normally, the Beach is fully booked on summer while mountains are more visited whenever there is snow, which is on winter. The last similarity to highlight is that, if you want to go to a great place, you'd better board an aeroplane. The best mountains all over the world are on the north while the best beaches all over the world are, for instance, in the Mediterranean sea. However, although they both seems to be relaxed places; dpending on what beach you are you can easily see or suffer a tsunami. Likewise, on the mountains you can presence either a landslide or an earthquake. A last similarity between this places is that you have to be aware of wearing specific clothes. When going to the beach it is compulsory to wear summer clothes while on the mountains you'd better wear winter clothes, if you don't want to die frozen! Nevertheless, In both place you have to take with you either you suncream or sunglasses.
Maybe the similarities between the two places explain why holidaymakers always hesitate when choosing the destination.
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Beach or Mountains? |
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
class assignment (Opinion paragraph)
could be the best solution in recession times. Nowadays, we wish we could have
the same habits as we used to have when there was no crisis. In addition, Most
of the people have mortgages and they would like to spend the same money on
leisure time as they used to do. Nevertheless, they cannot do this any longer
owing to the fact that, sometimes, they don't even have enough money to eat.
However, there is a solution for this issue. There is no doubt that the problem
is the money. Thus, Why don't we try to share with the other our talent? Of
course, they would do the same with us. In other words, Imagine that you are
a teacher and your neighbour is a vet. Why don't you teach your neighbors’ kids
so that she can take care of your dog for free? . In this way, is kind of an
exchange of knowledge. Therefore, I encourage everyone to practice swapping.
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Example of Swapping |
Monday, 13 October 2014
Describe someone... Class practice
When I was young, I was a lonley person until I met my best friend. She is not bery big. In fact, she is petite. Furthermore, she is very strong. Although She has gone through many difficult situations, She has had the strenght to carry on with a beautiful smile on her face. In addition, She has always being a happy person; Thus, She can cheer me up and also cheer herself up. Moreover, I am never afraid of telling her how I feel , no matter how silly it could be, I feel save and sound with her on my life. Added to this, She is unique at listening to me; Therefore, I can be myself, which I consider really important in a friendship. When I was young, I didn't use to have a best friend, but now that days are gone because I have the perfect one with me.
The place that I hope to visit in a near future is Roma. If you had asked me: Wich place would you like to visit? three years ago, I would have said America... However, as I studied the latin culture I am really impressed by it . Therefore, I could say that going to Rome would be a dream come true.
Rome , a popular destination for many visitors each year, is an amazing city. Personally speaking, the story of how Rome was established is amazing. I can't even believe how Roman people tend to create a myth in order to explain anything on their lives. It is simply amazing. Due to the fact that they had a lot of myths, we can see them represented in many fountains like this one:
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Neptune's fountain , Bernini |
I would dare to say that you can feel a lot of magic there while you are watching this fountain, you feel as part of the marvellous work from Bernini. Moreover , Rome is quite known for its monuments such as the Roman theatre, the Roman Amphitheatre, The Roman Circus... Someone could say that you can easily find them in some cities of Spain, and, it is true indeed . However, I think that is compulsory to travel to Rome if we want to know where all these amazing buildings were born
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Roman Anfitheatre |
Despite this, the place in Roma that made me completely fall in love with latin culture , was the Agrippa's Pantheon. It is a breathtaking building. For me, it is hard to believe how in ancient times they could build amazing things like this. I know that , If some day I have the chance to be inside the Pantheon, I will be crying for a week.
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Agripa´s Panteon |
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This is me in Mérida |
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Quiche Lorraine
As this week we have been learning how to write process paragraphs, I'm going to write one of my favourite recepies.
It is one of my favourites, not only because it taste really good but also because it's really easy to do.
Thus, here is the recipe of the Quiche Lorraine
Ingredients |
-Two sheets of puff
- 5 eggs,
-two small cartons of cream (in liquid form) for cooking,
- a pack and a half of grated cheese (It can be gruyère, emmental, cheddar ....)
-300 gr. strips of bacon,
How to make it
Quiche Lorraine, as I said before, is a simple and delicious meal to make. First, preheat oven to 200 º. Then, stretch the dough with a rolling pin. Next, put baking paper on the baking sheet. After That, You have to put the two sheets of puff. It does not matter if it does not look beautiful, due to the fact that you Have to put the other ingredients on it, Therefore, nobody is going to see the puff. Now, It is time to mix the eggs with the cream ( in liquid form ) in a bowl. After that , to put the mix - that you have already done- over the puff. Now, add the grated cheese and the bacon. Finally, before putting the quiche on the oven, stab the quiche with a fork.
And C'est fini! The Quiche is ready to be put into the oven. It needs 30 minutes at 200º.
As French people would say BON APPÉTIT!
Saturday, 11 October 2014
My grandmother
Today I'm going to talk about the person who has influenced me most.
When I was young, I didn't used to admire none from my family. That's because I was more worried about my favourite singers or movies than about my family. Fortunately, Nowadays I can say that I really admire my grandmother for her strength and kindness.
The person who has influenced me the most is my grandmother , Consuelo. I used to be a really lonely person and I had never been able to talk about my feelings with anybody. I used to keep them inside of me although little by little they were killing me.
Then I realized that I had to change because I wasn't happy so, I decided to speak my mind with my grandmother and She become a 'key piece ' in my live. She used to help me in everything , She would cook for me everything that I wanted. She made me strong and helped me to go through the worst situations of my live. She was really zealous and for me she is the wittiest person I’ve ever met
Despite of her age, now she’s still being the person who has taught me everything I know about life. Therefore, now I’m able to face everything. Although my grandfather died she is still being a fighter person. Most of the people when they suffer the loss of a close person, they want to end their lives because it is useless for them, due to the fact that they don't have the person who passed away with them. Nevertheless, my grandmother gives me hope and makes me believe in myself every day.
To sum up, I wish I could spend more time with her. I can't Imagine my life without her on it. I'm pretty sure that I will never get used to not having her with me. Fortunately, I see her everyday. Thus, for these reasons and many others ... I really love my 'granny'.
Monday, 6 October 2014
My trip to Ireland
I'm going to talk about my amazing trip to The Republic of Ireland.
This is my friend Sorscha and I in Dublín. |
Kilkenny´s Castle |
Last summer, a friend of mine and I went to The Republic of Ireland not only to do an English course but also to see the stunning views that you can easily see there. First of all, We arrived in Dublin and , of course, we visited it. Although Dublin was amazing, the weather was really upsetting because I'm not used to the English weather.However, There were amazing places to visit like the Trinity College. Furthermore, I went to The Trinity College in order to meet my Irish friend, who I had met in a summer camp in Almería two years ago, Her name is Sorcha. When we were staying in Dublin we caught a bus and travelled to kilkenny to visit its amazing castle. I must confess that the weather was incredibly awful, I've never seen as much rain as I saw that day.Nevertheless, I was not scared of travelling by bus with rain because drivers in Ireland are used to it. What's more I'm more afraid of travelling by bus on Murcia while it is raining..
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Cork's Cathedral |
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The amazing Blarney |
After spending three days in Dublin we went to Cork , which is the second most important city in Ireland, and we stayed there for two weeks. Cork is in the south , and for me it has a microclime because when in all Ireland is raining, in Cork you have to wear your sunglasses all time. I really loved Cork. Maybe it is because I'd rather be in a small village than in a big city. When we were at Cork, we stayed with a host family , the Peytons, they were really kind with us and they told us very interesting things of Ireland, its culture and its people. In addition, the thing that was told by them that I really couldn't believe was the fact that, all their family got married in Spain because of its weather and because it is cheaper, but, of course, every guest have to pay their own flight ticket.
While we were in Cork we visited places that really took my breath away , such as Blarney, killarney and Kinsale. In my opinion, the place that I loved the most from Ireland was Blarney , it completely stole my heart. I've never seen so many green together. It was full of flowers and trees and , of course, the amazing Blarney castle. As I said before , we also went to Killarney , in which you can find an amazing waterfall after 8 km walking, You can also see an incredible forest. For me, it was like being on a film. I wish I have stayed there a bit longer , but, It was just a day trip.
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Jame's fort |
Fortunately, I really got on well with my classmates, even though, I was the younger one in the class. I had an amazing teacher whose name was Finbar. He had a really irish accent, he was really funny and he taught us a lot of things about the irish culture. However speaking about british and American people in class was not allowed! Furthermore, almost all of my classmates were teachers so, I have learnt a lot of things from them. In addition, the more amazing thing is that in my class I was the only spanish person , it was really unusual.Furthermore, In my class we were 12 students and 8 of them were german students. Moreover, My class and I went together to Kinsale. In kinsale they have the best fish of all Ireland. However, the thing that I loved from Kinsale was the fort of James. When I came into the fort , I started to cry because I felt like part of all the stories that have took place there.
I must confess that, I had the best classmate I could have ever wish for. His name is Hans and He is a lecture teacher in Switzerland. I am really happy because we still in touch by e-mail and He told me really interesting things about him . I wish I could speak with him forever.
To sum up, I would say that travelling to Ireland really changed my life . That's because it was a new experience and made me love Irish people because they are really polite, kind and helpful. They are always saying "hello" "thank you" "how are you?" While in Spain, sometimes, when we are trying to be polite they look at us as if we were weird. I also learnt, even though it may sound strange, how to love our food because veggies and fruits there , are really expensive. Nevertheless, if you ask me if I would like to come back to ireland, without hesitation I would say YES!
This is me in Killarney |
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