Monday 3 November 2014

Class practice: problems/solutions

It is a fact that people don't practice sport as much as they used to do in the past. Maybe, it is because they don't have enough time owing to the fact that, nowadays, we have to work more time because of the recession, or it is just because they are too lazy to do sport. Moreover, we have assumed that if we eat healthy food, it is not worth to exercise because it is the same. We are completely wrong. Eating healthy food is never enough. Hence, we'd better practice sport.

One solution to this problem could be the invention of a gift card on gyms in order to encourage people to practice sport. The more sport you practice, the better the gift. Furthermore, the better gift could be a laptop for instance. Unfortunately, people don't care about gifts as long as they have money to buy them. So, why would they go to the gym if they have enough money to buy whatever they want? Another solution would be "compulsory sport " on enterprises if employees want to be promoted. Nevertheless, if you are a boss ,you would like your employees to work rather than to be practicing sport . Therefore, not every boss will approve this solution.

To sum up, even though we try to help people to be sportive, they would do whatever they want. Hence, the best solution is to " mind our own business" and take care of our own health. We'd better not bite off more than we can chew. In other words, it is difficult to take care of our own health, why should we take care to other people health, then?

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